Tuesday, September 2, 2008


She can wear makeup now!
We had an amazing Birthday weekend for CiAnna. She was so good about waiting until she turned 13 to wear makeup I am so proud of her and think she looks awesome! Her friends McCall and Chianne stayed the weekend with us. We headed into Vegas on Saturday and went to the Venetian on the Las Vegas Strip. It was beautiful. We had lunch at one of my favorite restaurants called the
Grand Lux Cafe, where CiAnna tried her first edamame beans! She actually liked them! Sephora was our next stop and it just so happened that a local DJ was there broadcasting live! The girls loved it! They all got their makeup done and looked beautiful! After about two hours and I won't even mention h0w many dollars later we headed to the Fashion show Mall and their favorite store- HOLLISTER! We all had a blast and were worn out when we got home but, little did we know that while we were gone Mesquite had had quite the electrical storm and knocked out our air conditioning! It was a hot night!
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