Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Demci's Dress

HERE IT IS! Finally....I got the dress done for Demci!

After a visit to my Aunt Jo's house this summer she found a dress there in her dressup bin that she just had to have. She brought instructions written out on a post it sized piece of paper and said "make me this". Well a phone call, a couple of sewing machines, some late nights and a few months later she finally has it!! I customized it a little if you don't recognize it Aunt JO but thank you for the joy this dress has brought to us!! Hoping to have it for my Grandkids if Demci will let me LOL

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Tiff said...

You are amazing! I can't keep up with your blog you change it so often. I love it though! Love Demci's dress good job. CiAnna is growing up too fast tell her to stop.... love you

Toni said...

I know just the dress, you did a amazing job on it. Maybe you could make and see dress up clothes that would last more than just a week. Love you guys. Toni

Meka said...

Hey you guys all look GREAT! I haven't seen you in so long. I am glad you have a blog so I can at least see you this way! I need your email address so I can invite you to see mine (if you want) just email me at and i'll send you and invite.